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Dominoes: Quick Starter: The Little Match Girl. Sue Parminter, Bill Bowler

Dominoes: Quick Starter: The Little Match Girl. Sue Parminter, Bill Bowler

256 руб Заказать
Quick Starters are the same level as Starter with shorter, simpler stories. Dominoes are full colour readers with extensive Activities and Project pages. The Activities and Projects can be used either in class or as homework. They are suitable for students who need more support in their reading than is provided by traditional readers. * Seven pages of grammar activities in every book. * Graded from Beginner to Level 3 (Pre-Intermediate) (A1-B1) of the Bookworms grading system. * MultiROM editions have entertaining dramatised audio recordings featuring multiple actors, music and sound effects to bring the story to life. * Editions available with interactive MultiROM containing a range of fun activities and games. * Glossary on the page to provide full vocabulary support. * Two personalised projects in every book - perfect for CEF portfolio work.
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