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Assessing Language through Computer Technology. Carol A. Chapelle

Assessing Language through Computer Technology. Carol A. Chapelle

1568 руб Заказать
Around the same time, many institutions began to offer Web-based tests for particular language courses and classes. In 1998 and 1999, three of the largest providers of educational tests introduced computer-based versions of proficiency tests for English as a foreign language. This book is the first to consider the theoretical, methodological and practical issues and their implications for language-teaching professionals wishing to engage with computer-assisted assessment. These two phenomena have greatly added to the momentum of work in computer-assisted testing and mean that assessment through computer technology is becoming a fact for language learners in educational settings and therefore for teachers and researchers.
Из серии: Cambridge Language Assessment
2006. It overviews the work in the field, evaluates examples of assessment though computer technology, and provides language teachers and researchers with practical guidelines for implementation.
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