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Aspire, Upper-Intermediate: Discover, Learn, Engage (+DVD). Paul Dummett

Aspire, Upper-Intermediate: Discover, Learn, Engage (+DVD). Paul Dummett

757 руб Заказать
His career started in EFL started in 1986 as a teacher of General English. Paul Dummett is currently the Director of e@o online learning ltd. He is the author of various skills and business English titles. It quickly developed with an interest in task-based teaching and ESP and for the last 10 years has worked on writing and delivering courses to professionals. He has run Business ENglish departments in Poland and Italy and organised teacher training courses including preparation for The LCCIEB Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English examination. John Hughes has taught for over 15 years and prepared students for BEC at all three levels. Currently, he is involved in the writing and development of online materials for training teachers
Из серии: Aspire
2012. He has written a number of course books for students and resource books for teachers as well as numerous articles for publications such as The Guardian Weekly.
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