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English Roses: Catch the Bouquet. Madonna

English Roses: Catch the Bouquet. Madonna

487 руб Заказать
And Binah is thrilled at the idea of having a stepmother like Miss F—that is, until she realizes that a new woman in her father’s life means less time for Binah. The final installment to the chapter book series featuring Madonna’s bestselling characters,the English Roses! The English Roses’ number-one teacher, Miss Fluffernutter, is getting married—to Binah’s father! The Roses couldn’t be happier for their beloved teacher, or for Binah, whose own mother died when she was just a baby. And it doesn’t help that Charlotte is driving everyone nuts trying to plan the perfect wedding. Binah misses her father terribly. Can the English Roses save this walk down the aisle from going totally awry?
Из серии: The English Roses
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