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New Insights into Business. Workbook (TOEIC) (CD). Graham Tullis, Tonya Trappe

New Insights into Business. Workbook (TOEIC) (CD). Graham Tullis, Tonya Trappe

797 руб Заказать
The thorough language and vocabulary syllabus together with the strong focus on business skills development gives students everything they need to function effectively in the workplace. With challenging reading and listening texts from a range of authentic business sources, New Insights into Business will really engage your students. Your students will be motivated by real business reading and listening material from a range of authentic business sources as well as the thorough business skills sections You can be sure of systematic progress with the solid language and vocabulary sections, including American English business vocabulary Make your lessons more vivid and challenging with the Teachers’ Book which includes teaching notes, photocopiable business skills, writing models and tests Easily focus on BEC Vantage or TOEIC with two different workbooks, each one covering a particular exam
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