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De Cine Cuaderno de actividades. SANTOS

De Cine Cuaderno de actividades. SANTOS

844 руб Заказать
The aim is to develop the four skills on the basis of a careful selection of excerpts from modern films from various parts of the Spanish-speaking world. "De Cine" is designed for intermediate and advanced level students. It lasts 50 minutes and includes extracts from films which have been widely seen during the last 10 years, such as "Todo sobre mi madre", by Pedro Almodovar. The use of film material allows us to illustrate the use of the language in real communicative situations and in authentic socio-cultural contexts. The texts of film dialogues are reproduced in the activity books, offering a wide variety of activities for developing oral and written skills. There is also a workbook of practical activities.
2009. Information on each film and director is also included.
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