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Grace Kelly. Life in Pictures. Pierre-Henri Verlhac

Grace Kelly. Life in Pictures. Pierre-Henri Verlhac

2782 руб Заказать
It is lavishly illustrated chronicle of a unique and glamorous life. This is the first definitive, retrospective photo book published on a Hollywood icon. This book will also coincide with two significant anniversaries: 2006 sees 50 years since she married Prince Rainier and 2007 is the 25th anniversary of her death. An illustrated celebration of Grace Kelly, one of Hollywoods brightest stars, is already long overdue. Hand-written documents and famous quotes on and from Grace Kelly complement impressive iconographic research (family pictures, national archives, private collections, press agencies, newspapers). The book will include a detailed biography and over 160 pictures and contact sheets, many of which are reproduced for the first time.
2006. Also included are images and contact sheets from prestigious photographers, all of which give us a highly individual portrait of a cinematic legend.
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