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American Impressionism. William H. Gerdts

American Impressionism. William H. Gerdts

655 руб Заказать
This exquisite little volume will satisfy the ever-growing passion for American Impressionism. This popular book offers a wealth of beautiful images, with even more color illustrations than the original edition. William H.Gerdts, the preeminent scholar in the field—provides a vivid summary, starting with the roots of American Impressionism and its relationship to French Impressionism. The concise text—written by Dr. All of the master works are here in full color, from Childe Hassams sun-drenched gardens to John Twachtmans snow-silenced landscapes, from Edmund Tarbells coolly elegant ladies in dim, luxurious interiors to Frederick Friesekes light-dappled nudes. The book then recounts how American Impressionism progressed from an avant-garde aesthetic assaulted by critics to its years of triumph and its diverse manifestations throughout the country. William H.Gerdts has written extensively on American Impressionism and related topics. With its wealth of breathtaking illustrations, American Impressionism offers lasting pleasure to anyone beguiled by the loveliness of this incomparable style.
Из серии: Tiny Folio
2000. He is Professor of Art History at the Graduate School of the City University of New York.
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