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Love Me. Zed Nelson

Love Me. Zed Nelson

1808 руб Заказать
In a series of compelling images which lodge firmly in our consciousness, Love Me negotiates the boundaries of art and documentary, reflecting a world we have created in which there are enormous social, psychological and economic rewards and penalties attached to the way we look. Love Me explores the insidious power of the global beauty industry and our collective insecurity, vanity and fear of ageing. In Love Me we meet cosmetic surgeons, anorexics, child beauty queens, bodybuilders, trainee models, housewives, porn stars, businessmen and soldiers signing up for breast implants. Over a period of five years Zed Nelson visited seventeen countries across five continents. While the subject are exposed, so too are we the viewer; our motives for looking, for inspecting,. Whilst Nelsons subjects appear willing participants in an omnipresent culture of bodily improvement, they are also hapless victims at the mercy of larger social forces and locked into their insatiable craving for approval.
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