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Wisdom of the Talmud. Madison C. Peters

Wisdom of the Talmud. Madison C. Peters

92 руб Заказать
To have no faithful friends is worse than death. The house that does not open to the poor shall open to the physician. Good deeds are better than creeds. Too many captains sink the ship. The noblest of all charities is in enabling the poor to earn a livelihood. The sensible man drinks only when he is thirsty. These and over 500 other proverbs and adages come together in this delightful collection, arranged under 22 headings such as adversity, ambition, ancestry, anger, business, charity, death, friendship, home life, honesty, immortality, labor, love, money, and truth. He who wishes to be forgiven must forgive.
Из серии: Dover Thrift Editions Series
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