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Gorky Park. Круз Смит Мартин, Martin Cruz Smith

Gorky Park. Круз Смит Мартин, Martin Cruz Smith

610 руб Заказать
They were wearing ice skates. They lay peacefully, even artfully, under their thawing crust of ice, the centre one on its back, hands folded as if for a religious funeral, the other two turned, arms out under the ice like flanking emblems on embossed writing paper. When I am satisfied questions of state security are not involved, then you begin. Pribluda shouldered Arkady aside. Three corpses had been found in Moscow. It did indeed become a triple murder investigation for Chief Investigator Arkady Renko. "Straight to the top of the international thriller class" - "Guardian". But why the horrific mutilations? And why had they been buried in the snows of Gorky Park? "The thriller of the 80s" - "Time". "Brilliantly worked, marvellously written. a genuinely frightening, genuinely original vision. Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см. an imaginative triumph" - "Sunday Times".
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