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The left hand of darkness. Гуин Урсула Ле, Ursula K. Le Guin

The left hand of darkness. Гуин Урсула Ле, Ursula K. Le Guin

506 руб Заказать
Tucked away in a remote corner of the universe, they have no knowledge of space travel or of life beyond their own world. This outstanding classic of science fiction, which won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards when first published, is the story of Winter, an Earth-like planet with two major differences: conditions are semi-arctic even at the warmest time of the year, and the inhabitants are all of the same sex. And when a strange envoy from space brings news of a vast coalition of planets which they are invited to join, he is met with fear, mistrust and disbelief. Формат: 10,5 см х 18 см.
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