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Архитектурная студия. Яков и Макфарлине. Publishing Images

Архитектурная студия. Яков и Макфарлине. Publishing Images

1515 руб Заказать
The work of Dominique Jakob and Brendan MacFarlane engages the capture and articulation of movement, both ethereal and real, in order to articulate a dynamic sensibility in their work. This latest volume of "NeoArchitecture" presents the work of French firm Jakob & MacFarlane, a firm proclaimed as a highly promising collaborative, representing the best in emerging French architecture and architectural sensibility. Indeed, their use of the computer and computer-aided modelling in pursuing formal strategies and design outcomes positions the practice at the forefront of avant garde architecture practices operating today. Jakob & MacFarlane achieve sophistication in their design schemes by employing high-end digital computer technology in their design process.
2006. This volume showcases built architectural projects, either already completed or currently under construction, as well as theoretical and exhibition projects.
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