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Ready to Print: Handbook for Media Designers. Nickel Kristina

Ready to Print: Handbook for Media Designers. Nickel Kristina

3233 руб Заказать
These days, designers must be proficient in creating final artwork and be familiar with pre-print and production processes. A user-friendly handbook that helps designers to prepare their files for optimal printing. Detailed descriptions of each step also ensure that designers can accurately plan their workflow and budget in these areas. Ready to Print helps designers prepare their data and materials so that the best-possible result can be achieved with an optimal print run. The chapters Paper, Printing Techniques, Typography, Trapping, Color, Image Editing, and PDF make the comprehensive book a clearly-structured companion for navigating through pre-print and production. Ready to Print imparts the fundamentals of how printing functions and points out options and hurdles along the way to creating an outstanding print product.
2010. All of the content from the traits of various types of paper to the recommended settings when exporting data into a print-ready PDF are explained thoroughly in plain language and with the help of numerous illustrations and graphics.
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