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Focusing On IELTS. General Training Practice Tests + key (+ CD). Michael Clutterbuck, Philip Gould

Focusing On IELTS. General Training Practice Tests + key (+ CD). Michael Clutterbuck, Philip Gould

1891 руб Заказать
The series consists of two skills books, Listening and Speaking Skills, and Reading and Writing Skills (suitable for both the General Training and Academic modules), and two books of practice tests, one for each module. The Focusing on IELTS series provides a comprehensive, up-to-date learning package that develops the skills students need as they prepare for the IELTS examination. KEY FEATURES Useful tips for taking the IELTS tests Four complete practice tests for listening, writing and reading, and six complete practice tests for speaking Complete listening transcripts with answers identified and sample answers to writing tests and accompanying notes Recorded sample speaking tests, with transcripts and assessments Three Audio CDs in the back of each book each with a range of international accents
2011. The series is ideal for independent study or class use.
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