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Lo Basico. Geir Stale Tennfjord, Cristina Palanca

Lo Basico. Geir Stale Tennfjord, Cristina Palanca

975 руб Заказать
Contiene un vocabulario tematico, moderno y practico, los verbos mas usados y una gramatica sencilla para principiantes. Lo basico presenta una vision amplia del espanol elemental, ofreciendo los elementos necesarios para llegar a un nivel A2 en el Marco comun europeo de referencia para las lenguas. Todo el libro esta ilustrado con dibujos, dinamicos y divertidos, cuyo soporte visual ayuda a la memorizacion por parte del alumno. Tambien se recogen ejemplos de dialogos naturales como los que se pueden oir en situaciones de la vida real, correspondientes a los temas de vocabulario del libro. It corresponds to levels A1 and A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. ________________________________________ This book contains all you need to reach an elementary Spanish level. Next there is a series of 200 verbs chosen for the functionality of their use, their regular and irregular conjugation and the tenses which suit the book’s general level. The initial part presents a thematic vocabulary selection of over 1200 words corresponding to a basic level. The “cutlet” format makes it easier to gain an overview of the ideas. The following section contains the rest of the elements useful for building Spanish phrases. The whole book is illustrated with dynamic, fun, comic-type illustrations providing visual support to help the student with memorisation. At the end, some of the most commonly used phrases are presented in categories, along with some dialogues which can help you have a first go with the language in a natural form.
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