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The Business Advanced Class CDx2. Rachel Appleby, John Allison, Edward de Chazal

The Business Advanced Class CDx2. Rachel Appleby, John Allison, Edward de Chazal

376 руб Заказать
The course has been developed from detailed research into business-related degree courses in leading European institutions and is defined by its modular approach to learning business English. The Business is a stimulating, four-level course that provides an inclusive package for any student of business English, though particularly suited to those at college or university. KEY FEATURES * Modular structure allows teachers the freedom to adapt the syllabus to their own needs and curriculum * Topic-driven syllabus based on research from business and economic related sources from over 14 countries * The business focus is topical and forward-thinking, covering the main areas of business activity in the 21st Century * Includes fantastic new DVD-ROM which is the equivalent to an interactive workbook
Из серии: The Business. The Business is supported by an extensive bank of online resources, including progress tests based on BEC style questions.
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