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Nelson Thornes Framework English Skills in Fiction 3. Wendy Wren, Geoff Reilly

Nelson Thornes Framework English Skills in Fiction 3. Wendy Wren, Geoff Reilly

603 руб Заказать
7 Covering fiction and non-fiction, using the popular twin-track approach, each student text provides 18 units of themed stimulus texts plus differentiated activities at word, sentence and text levels. Covering all the Framework objectives using a clearly structured and rigorous approach, Nelson Thornes Framework English offers an attractive and dynamic route through the demands of the Framework for Teaching English, Years 7-9, laying particular emphasis on the basic skills of English in order to raise standards in writing. 7 Prepares students for Key Stage 4 by raising standards of achievement. 7 Provides preparation for SATs in Year 9.
2003. 7 Supports other subjects across the curriculum in raising levels of literacy.
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