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VPS Science Student's Book without key (+CD). Keith Kelly

VPS Science Student's Book without key (+CD). Keith Kelly

892 руб Заказать
An easy-to-use reference tool, this series is the perfect solution for both the subject specialist and the English teacher. Level: B1+ to C2 / Pre-intermediate to Advanced A new CLIL-focussed vocabulary practice series Clear, concise and informative, the Science Vocabulary Practice Book and CD-ROM helps students to learn scientific vocabulary by placing it in context. Key Features * 30 key science areas * Vocabulary wordlist with easy-to-understand definitions that use a restricted defining vocabulary * Contextual sentences show students how and when to use appropriate terminology * Exercises practice the vocabulary in context at word, sentence and text level * Straightforward diagrams to help understand and practise key terms CD-ROM Benefits * Vocabulary improvement with fun listening activities and interactive games * Hear the pronunciation of any word with just one click * Fully searchable vocabulary list * Create personalised topic wordlists that can be saved and edited * Mind mapping tools help students learn via word association * Diagram Bank includes all illustrations with and without labels
Из серии: Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series
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