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Key Concepts in Politics. Andrew Heywood

Key Concepts in Politics. Andrew Heywood

1253 руб Заказать
Political concepts are nothing less than the building blocks of political understanding: the political world means what our concepts tell us it means. Concepts are the "tools" with which we think, criticize, argue, explain and analyze. Indeed, political debate is often a debate about the correct use of political terms. But political concepts are notoriously slippery and subject to controversy. Each is defined clearly and fully, and its significance for political argument and practice is explored. This book provides an accessible and comprehensive guide to the major concepts encountered in political analysis. The book is arranged thematically, in an accessible way, in order to be of use to students throughout their course of study, especially as a revision aid. The introduction explains how political concepts are used and why they are so often abused.
Из серии: Macmillan study guides
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