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Connect with English: Grammar Guide, Book 3 . Irwin Feigenbaum, Kathleen F. Flynn, Marilyn Rosenthal, Linda Butler

Connect with English: Grammar Guide, Book 3 . Irwin Feigenbaum, Kathleen F. Flynn, Marilyn Rosenthal, Linda Butler

2080 руб Заказать
Developmental in nature, it uses examples from the video episodes to illustrate the grammatical structures in both presentation and practice exercises. The grammar and vocabulary found in the Connect with English video series comes to life in the pages of this Grammar Guide . Grammar Guide 1 corresponds to episodes 1-12 and covers: Simple present, Simple past, Present continuous, Future: going to, and the Modal: can. Ideal for high-beginning to intermediate students, this Grammar Guide provides practice with the linguistic building blocks of the language and gives students the opportunity to analyze and review the structures through clear, simple grammar charts and explanations. Grammar Guide 3 corresponds to episodes 25-36 and covers: a review of topics from Grammar Guides 1 and 2, Modals: might, must, Past continuous, Present perfect, Present perfect continuous, Future conditional, and Verbs followed by gerunds. Grammar Guide 2 corresponds to episodes 13-24 and covers: a review of topics of Grammar Guide 1 , Future: will, Modals: have to, could, should, must, may, would, and Verbs followed by infinitives.
Из серии: Connect with English
1998. Grammar Guide 4 corresponds to episodes 37-48 and covers: a review of Grammar Guides 1-3, Past perfect, Past perfect continuous, Conditional, Contrary-to-fact, and Passive simple present.
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