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New Fowler Proficiency. Writing Skills 2. Student`s book. W.S. Fowler

New Fowler Proficiency. Writing Skills 2. Student`s book. W.S. Fowler

757 руб Заказать
Each book contains twenty thorough but manageable units with special tips throughout offering helpful advice for students. "New Fowler Proficiency Writing Skills" is a two-part course providing thorough coverage and practice of the skills and techniques needed to achieve success in the writing paper of the revised Proficiency examination. Students are shown the best way to approach each exam task type, whether a Part 1 or a Part 2 question, including articles, essays, reports, reviews, proposals and letters. Each unit contains model texts and a variety of exercises to guide students in planning and producing interesting and well-structured written English. A reference section and appendix at the back of the book offer further help for specific writing tasks. Students analyse the construction, development and organisation of paragraphs within different kinds of composition having analysed the techniques used in the model texts, and students can then employ them in their own writing.
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