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801 Философия. Курс лекций
Предмет и объект философии. 1. Мировоззрение и его виды. 2. Структура философского знания. 3. Предфилософия и философия древних
215 руб
802 Политология. Курс лекций. Николай Лучков
Политология как наука. 1. Основные методы политологии и их характеристика. 2. Понятие политики. 3. Политическая мысль Древнего Востока.
237 руб
803 Общая психология. Курс лекций. Ильдар Резепов
Введение в общую психологию 2. 1. Психология личности и коллективных отношений 4. Этапы развития психики животных и сознания человека 3.
262 руб
804 Концепции современного естествознания. Курс лекций. Сергей Кащеев
Системы знания. 1. 1. 1. Понятие науки. Виды знания. 1. Критерии научного знания. Деление наук. 2. 2. Гуманитарные и естественные науки. 2.
250 руб
805 Zabadoo! 2 (Сd). Paul A. Davies, Carolyn Graham
2006. A topic-based four-level primary course with an emphasis on developing reading and writing skills.
427 руб
806 Wonderland Junior B Pupils Book and Songs CD Pack
The Wonderland series has been written for Greek and Cypriot Pre-Junior and Junior classes. Wonderland makes learning English a magical, memorable experience, by using the familiar fantastic world of Disney characters that children know and love.
575 руб
807 Uno, Dos, Tres... Ya! 2 (СD). de los Angeles Palomino Maria
Divertidos personajes guian al alumno a traves de historias y actividades ludicas y faciles de llevar a cabo. Uno, dos, tres…Ya! es un metodo destinado a ninos de 7 a 10 anos que comienzan a aprender espanol como lengua extranjera. Un metodo
215 руб
808 Uno,dos,tres...ya! 2 cd na!. Maria Angeles Palomino
907 руб
809 Uno, Dos, Tres... Ya! Nivel 1 (СD). Maria Angeles Palomino
Закрепление полученных навыков и развитие произношения. Учебный аудиокурс испанского языка для начинающих. Приложение к учебнику "Uno,
215 руб
810 Tout Va Bien! 4 (Сd). Helene Auge
Из серии: Tout va bien! 2007.
1656 руб
811 Tout Va Bien! 3 (2 CD)
) к учебнику французского языка. Audio-CD-диски (2 шт. Из серии: Tout va bien! 2007.
579 руб
812 Tout Va Bien! 1 (Сd)
) Из серии: Tout va bien! 2007. CD-диск к учебнику французского языка (2 шт.
579 руб
813 Tourisme.Com (Сd). Corbeau Sophie
1205 руб
814 Touchstone Class Audio CDs 4. Michael McCarthy
The Touchstone Class Audio CDs include the Getting Started, Speaking Naturally, and Building Vocabulary exercises, as well as grammar, conversation strategies, and listening activities, all recorded by fluent native and non-native speakers of
1772 руб
815 Telephoning In English (Сd)
The CD-ROM integrates audio, images and text to provide a course that builds vocabulary, improves listening and gives speaking practice. The Telephoning in English CD-ROM provides business people with the opportunity to improve their telephoning
2234 руб
816 Solutions Upper-Intermediate Class Compact Disk. Paul A. Davies, Tim Falla
Из серии: Solutions 2009. A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation.
427 руб
817 Solutions Pre-Intermediate Class Compact Disk. Paul A. Davies, Tim Falla
2007. A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation.
427 руб
818 Solutions Advanced Class Compact Disk. Paul A. Davies, Tim Falla
Из серии: Solutions 2009. A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation.
427 руб
819 Profile 3 Class Compact Disk. Jon Naunton
2005. ProFile teaches students about business and the language of business simultaneously.
213 руб
820 Phonetique Prog Francais Avanc 3(Сd). Charliac Lucile
3 CD audio 2006.
1682 руб
821 PanOrama 1. Methode de francais (3CD). J. Cirardet
Система одобрена МОН для изучения французского языка в в специализированных школах с углубленным изучением иностранного языка, а
902 руб
822 Pacesetter. Intermediate (СD). Derek Strange, Diane Hall
The problem-solving approach to grammar helps students to work out for themselves the meaning and use of structures. Offers a four-level course for teenagers with a communicative approach. There is also a photo-story in the first two levels.
640 руб
823 Oh La La! 1 - 2 CD audio collectifs. Catherine Favret, I. Gallego, M. Bourdeau, E. Muguruza
Курс Oh la la! это: Разнообразные стимулирующие задания, открывающие для ученика французский язык и франкоязычную культуру; Интеграцию
2715 руб
824 Market Leader Elementary New Practice File (Сd). John Rogers
Из серии: Market Leader. The Market Leader Practice File CDs support the Practice File and contain extensive pronunciation work.
576 руб
825 Market Leader New Edition! Elementary Class CD (2). David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
2008. The Market Leader Class CDs contain all the listening texts from the Market Leader Course Book.
576 руб
826 Lectures En Francais Facile 1 Cinq semaines en ballon (+Cd). Jules Verne
Ученикам предлагаются небольшие адаптированы произведения, детективы, шедевры великих классиков и всемирно известных писателей. Цель
544 руб
827 Piazza Navona. Libro dello studente(+Cd). Claudia Troncarell, Ivana Fratter
Il corso presenta un percorso didattico che conduce lo studente al raggiungimento di una competenza comunicativa di livello A2 del Quadro Comune di Riferimento Europeo. Piazza Navona e un corso di italiano per stranieri destinato a studenti
1393 руб
828 Percorsi grammaticali (+Cd). Medaglia Cinzia
2005. Eserciziario di italiano – livello elementare Un libro di esercizi agile e divertente, da usare in classe o individualmente, rivolto a studenti principianti assoluti e principianti, ma anche a tutti coloro che vogliono accrescere e
546 руб
829 Manichini (+Cd). Tiziana Merani
I Grandi Magazzini Arcata le hanno commissionato una ‘famiglia’ di manichini per i loro punti vendita: dopo alcune settimane questi vengono consegnati al magazzino di Firenze. Fantasia Beatrice Lindi, artista di talento, ha accettato di
532 руб
830 Viaggio a Venezia (+Cd). Laura Rubino
Fatevi guidare, come i protagonisti di questa storia, tra i luoghi suggestivi di una delle piu affascinanti citta italiane: Venezia! Scoprirete l’atmosfera magica e fantastica che si respira in questa citta, dove il tempo sembra davvero essersi
498 руб
831 Rose rosse per il commissario B2 (+Cd). Assini Regina
Tutte cose apparentemente banali, che passano normalmente inosservate. Un numero telefonico su una banconota da 50 euro, un mazzo di rose rosse, un fioraio dall’aria sospetta.
532 руб
832 Liberta B1 (+Cd). Medaglia Cinzia
Ma un giorno l’improvvisa scomparsa di Bruno rompe l’incantesimo della sua esistenza felice quanto, forse, illusoria. Fabrizio e un uomo di successo: dirigente in una grande societa, una bella moglie, dei figli adorabili e un caro amico, Bruno,
489 руб
833 Ielts Masterclass Class Compact Disk. Simon Haines, Peter May
2006. Trains students in broad academic skills and develops thinking strategies.
427 руб
834 Ici 1 (Сd)Trampoline. Dominique Abry
Ici 1 – Double CD audio collectif niveau A1 - (CD) Из серии: Ici.
2164 руб
835 I Spy 1 (Сd). Julie Ashworth, John Clark
2004. A four-level course that develops learning and language skills, using humorous characters, crosswords, and strip cartoons, with a strong emphasis on listening.
640 руб
836 Hotline Starter (2СD)
2001. A four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so popular.
427 руб
837 Happy House 2 Class Compact Disk. Lorena Roberts, Stella Maidment
2009. A two-year course, starting with listening and speaking and introducing the written word in the second year.
427 руб
838 Happy House 1 (СD). Lorena Roberts, Stella Maidment
Из серии: Happy House 2000. A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing.
213 руб
839 Happy Earth 1 Class. Compact Disk. Sue Parminter, Bill Bowler
Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses. A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. 2009.
427 руб
840 Francais.Com Debutant (Сd). Jean-Luc Penfornis
com - Debutant, 2 CD audio Из серии: Francais. Francais. com 2007.
1154 руб
841 Rue Mouffetard (+Cd). Tiziana Cignatta
L’aspect culturel est etroitement lie a l’aspect linguistique et l’apprentissage du lexique devient le fil rouge pour decouvrir un veritable quartier de Paris. Le francais de l’alimentation et de la restauration Ce texte developpe et
837 руб
842 Litterama XIXe (+Cd). Lidia Parodi
Cette litterature est destinee aux etudiants qui ont pour objectif non seulement la connaissance complete de la litterature francaise, mais aussi l’acquisition des techniques de lecture et d’ecriture (resumes, commentaires. ) a partir de textes
740 руб
843 Francais Francofolie 2 Class Compact Disk
713 руб
844 Francais Francofolie 1 (СD) "France"
695 руб
845 Le Tartuffe (+Cd). Jean-Baptiste Moliere
En effet, Tartuffe est un imposteur qui, sous le masque de la religion, s’est introduit dans la maison du naif et credule Orgon pour epouser sa fille, seduire sa femme et s’approprier ses biens. Cette comedie en vers est le portrait d’un faux
541 руб
846 A vous la France! (+Cd). Tiziana Cignatta
2008. Culture et civilisation de la France et des pays francophones Ce texte propose aux eleves de partir en compagnie de deux adolescents, Camille et Thomas, pour un voyage colore et amusant a la decouverte de la culture et de la civilisation de
738 руб
847 Fluo 1 (Сd). Meyer-Dreux Sylvie
2 CD audio collectifs Из серии: Fluo 2003.
2715 руб
848 Festival 3 (Сd). Poisson-Quinton Sylvie
Из серии: Festival 2010.
579 руб
849 Festival 2 (Сd). Poisson-Quinton Sylvie
Из серии: Festival 2010.
566 руб
850 Festival 1 (Сd). Poisson-Quinton Sylvie
Festival est une methode de fran Из серии: Festival.
579 руб

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