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Иностранные языки. Обучение. Чтение

9551 Double Helix, The Bk +D. James D. Watson
In this book, James D.Watson tells the exciting story of this discovery. Contemporary / British English James D.Watson and Francis Crick won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for the discovery of the double helix, the structure of DNA. 2008.
408 руб
9552 Double Helix, The. James D. Watson
In this book, James D.Watson tells the exciting story of this discovery. Contemporary / British English James D.Watson and Francis Crick won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for the discovery of the double helix, the structure of DNA. 2008.
334 руб
9553 Dosadi Experiment. Frank Herbert
For the Dosadi have bred for Vengeance as well as cunning, and they have learned how to pass through the shimmering God Wall to exact their dreadful revenge on the Universe that created them . Beyond the God WallGenerations of a tormented
280 руб
9554 Dos fantasias memorables. Modelo para la muerte. Хорхе Луис Борхес, Адольфо Бьой Касарес
Parodia dentro de la parodia, «Un modelo para la muerte» - relato de intriga que se inserta. Este volumen reúne dos muestras más de la fecunda y feliz colaboración entre Jorge Luis Borges y Adolfo Bioy Casares.
412 руб
9555 Doreen aus Bitterfeld. Bernhard Bitzel
2400 Worter 2005. Notwendiger Wortschatz ca.
313 руб
9556 Doppelte Paula. & Theo Klara
Endlich kommt eine Ausstellung mit ihren sch?nsten Bildern in die Stadt – aber sind die alle echt? Из серии: Leichte Krimis fur Jugendliche 2007. Moon liebt Kunst, und besonders die Malerin Paula Modersohn-Becker.
185 руб
9557 Don't Tell Me What To Do. Michael Hardcastle
Some of the titles are also available on cassette. An Elementary Level story in a series of ELT readers comprising a wide range of titles and divided into five levels: Starter Level basic words; Beginner (600); Elementary (1100); Intermediate
311 руб
9558 Donauwalzer. & Theo Felix
Ein Schuler fehlt! Kidnapping? Niveaustufe: A1 bis A2 Geeignet fur: Erwachsene und Jugendliche 1999. Ein Schulausflug nach Wien endet tragisch.
224 руб
9559 La Donation. Florence Noiville
D’autres dans un cabinet d’analyste. « Certains revoient leur vie defiler a l’approche de la mort. » Ce roman est l’histoire d’une donation entre vifs – entre ecorches vifs, meme –, qui ne se termine pas du tout comme prevu.
332 руб
9560 Dona Berta Nivel Medio. Leopoldo Alas
Se han sintetizado las descripciones y eliminado situaciones que no afectan al hilo argumental. Comprometido con la realidad, Clarin hace una denuncia ironica, tierna y con humor a traves de dona Berta. Из серии: Espanol Lengua
433 руб
9561 Don Quixote Bk +D. Miguel de Cervantes
The two men want to be a knight and his squire from an earlier age. Don Quixote wants a different life, so he leaves his village with Sancho Panza. 2008. Will they find adventures? Will they be famous? Will they change the world? This is their
408 руб
9562 Domani 1 (libro + DVD). Guastalla Carlo, Ciro Massimo Naddeo
В основе лежит глобальный подход, представляющий собой дальнейшее развитие и усовершенствование коммуникативного подхода.
1361 руб
9563 Dom’s Dragon. Yvonne Cooke
Key features The series reinforces the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses Each reader has a wordlist or picture dictionary, as well as activity pages at the back The accompanying Audio CD means that children can
278 руб
9564 Dogs/The Big Show Reader. Paul Shipton
This work aims to provide reinforcement of the basic structures and vocabulary contained in the most major primary courses. Part of a 6 level series of readers for children learning English, which brings together a variety of fiction and
233 руб
9565 Dogs in "Vogue": Century of Canine Chic. Judith Watt
Testifying to this enduring relationship in its lavishly illustrated pages, this collection features photos by Horst, Beaton, Steichen, Parkinson, Bailey, Weber, Testino, and many others. Dogs have always played an integral part in Vogue magazine,
1963 руб
9566 Disney "Cars": Learn Your Numbers
387 руб
9567 Discover Eng Global Starter Test Book. Carol Barrett
322 руб
9568 Discover Eng Global Starter Teacher's Book. Carol Barrett, Catherine Bright
739 руб
9569 Discover Eng Global Starter Students Book. Judy Boyle
753 руб
9570 Discover Eng Global Starter Active Teach CD-ROM
3374 руб
9571 Discover Eng Global 3 Test Book. Carol Barrett
With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young. Learn more about the world and English with Discover English.
322 руб
9572 Discover Eng Global 3 Teacher's Book. Kate Wakeman
739 руб
9573 Discover Eng Global 3 Students Book. Jayne Wildman, Izabella Hearn
With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young. Learn more about the world and English with Discover English.
753 руб
9574 Discover Eng Global 3 Activity Book (with Multi-R). Izabella Hearn, Kate Wakeman
445 руб
9575 Discover Eng Global 3 Active Teach CD-ROM
3374 руб
9576 Discover Eng Global 2 Test Book. Danae Kozanoglou, Kate Wakeman
With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young. Learn more about the world and English with Discover English.
322 руб
9577 Discover Eng Global 2 Teacher's Book. Catherine Bright
739 руб
9578 Discover Eng Global 2 Students Book. Jayne Wildman, Izabella Hearn
With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young. Learn more about the world and English with Discover English.
753 руб
9579 Discover Eng Global 2 Activity Book (with Multi-R). Izabella Hearn, Catherine Bright
With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young. Learn more about the world and English with Discover English.
445 руб
9580 Discover Eng Global 2 Active Teach CD-ROM
3269 руб
9581 Discover Eng Global 1 Test Book. Carol Barrett
With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young. Learn more about the world and English with Discover English.
322 руб
9582 Discover Eng Global 1 Teacher's Book. Carol Barrett, Catherine Bright
739 руб
9583 Discover Eng Global 1 Flashcards
With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young. Learn more about the world and English with Discover English.
681 руб
9584 Discover Eng Global 1 Activity Book (with Multi-R). Sheryl Odlum, Kate Wakeman
With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young. Learn more about the world and English with Discover English.
445 руб
9585 Dimensionen Lernpaket 2. Roland Fischer, Maria Hirtenlehner, Eva-Maria Jenkins, Ursula Hirschfeld
898 руб
9586 Diggers. Терри Пратчетт, Terry Pratchett, Lyn Pratchett
Or is it? Soon strange things begin to happen. A Bright New Dawn is just around the corner for thousands of tiny nomes when they move into the ruined buildings of an abandoned quarry. The quarry is to be re-opened, and the nomes must fight to
285 руб
9587 Different Seasons. Stephen King
Four mesmerizing novellas, including the ones that inspired the movies "The Shawshank Redemption," "Apt Pupil," and "Stand by Me," 2002.
366 руб
9588 Dieux ont Soif, Les. Pitroipa Anatole France
- Из серии: Classiques de Poche 2003.
472 руб
9589 Die Studentin. Christian Schunemann
2009. Eine Leiche stort die Ruhe der Geisteswissenschaften - es ist mords was los an der Munchner Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat! Ein neuer Fall fur Tomas Prinz, den Munchner Starfrisor und Detektiv wider Willen.
548 руб
9590 Die Nacht von Lissabon. Эрих Мария Ремарк
Am nachtliehen Kai in Lissabon starrt ein Mann auf ein Schiff. Das dunkle Jahr 1942. Plotzlich bietet ihm ein Unbekannter zwei Sehiffskarten an - unter einer Bedingung: Er will ihm in dieser Nacht seine Geschichte erzahlen, die Ge-sehichte seiner
685 руб
9591 Die goldene Gans. Norbert Rothhaas
und 4. 3. Die Sprache der Hefte zum Vorlesen, Lesen, Anmalen, Basteln und Theaterspielen isteinfach, sodass die Kinder fruhzeitig zum aktiven sprachlichen Handeln angeregt werden. LesejahrVereinfachte Lesetexte fur KinderDiese Lekturereihe ist
263 руб
9592 Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten. Heike Baake
Doch ihre Reise endet ganz anders. Ein beruhmtes Marchen uber einen Esel, einen Hund, eine Katze und einen Hahn, die nach Bremen gehen, um dort Musik zu machen.
201 руб
9593 Dictionnaire Rimes et Assonances. Armel Louis
Из серии: Les Usuels 2006.
1623 руб
9594 Dictionnaire Gen Francais-Espagnol / Espagnol-Francais. Garcia-Peleyo y Gross Ramon
2323 руб
9595 Dictionnaire De Poche Espagnol - Francais. Giovanni Picci
581 руб
9596 Dictionnaire Analogique. Georges Niobey
943 руб
9597 Dict of Computer Terms flexi
100 руб
9598 Dict des expressions idiomatiques francaises. Mahtab Ashraf
Trésor de la mémoire du français et témoin de sa diversité géographique et culturelle, ce dictionnaire des "curiosités françaises" rassemble plusieurs milliers. Из серии: Le Livre de Poche 1999.
751 руб
9599 Diccionario para la Ensenanza de la Lengua Espanola. Collectif
El Español Más Actual 22 000 entradas y más de 45 000 significados que son reflejo del. El diccionario más adecuado para los estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera de niveles intermedio y avanzado.
907 руб
9600 Diccionario Esencial Lengua Espanola. Jordi Indurain Pons
La obra idonea para cualquier hispanohablante que desee resolver las dudas mas inmediatas у para los estudiantes de espanol con un nivel intermedio. Una obra practica у completa por su reducido tamano у por la cantidad de informacion que
850 руб

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