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Experimenting with Uncertainty: Essays in Honour of Alan Davies. T. McNamara

Experimenting with Uncertainty: Essays in Honour of Alan Davies. T. McNamara

1919 руб Заказать
The papers, by key figures in the field of language testing, cover issues ranging from test construct definition to the design and applications of language tests, including their importance as a means of exploring larger issues in language teaching, language learning and language policy. This Festschrift brings together 28 invited papers surveying the state of the art in language testing. It is thus particularly appropriate as a tribute to Alan Davies, whose work in this field since the 1960s has been marked by its conceptual strength and social responsiveness, seeking constantly to clarify and challenge current practice and new trends. The volume locates work in language assessment in a context of social, political and ethical issues at a time when testing is increasingly expected to be publicly accountable.
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