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A Dictionary of Education. Susan Wallace

A Dictionary of Education. Susan Wallace

797 руб Заказать
The new UK-focused Dictionary of Education provides clear and concise definitions for 1,250 terms, from A* to zero tolerance, that anyone studying education or working in the field is likely to encounter. Education is of relevance to everyone but it involves a specialized vocabulary and terminology which may be opaque or unfamiliar to those new to the field. It also includes major legislation, key figures and organizations, and national curriculum and assessment terminology. Coverage includes all sectors of education: pre-school, primary, secondary, further and higher education, special needs, adult and continuing education, and work-based learning. Detailed appendices include a timeline summary of landmark educational legislation since 1945 and a glossary of acronyms. The dictionary features entry-level weblinks, accessible and kept up to date via the Dictionary of Education companion website. This up-to-date and authoritative dictionary is essential for all students of education, teachers, and lecturers on development programmes, and it is strongly recommended for governors, classroom assistants, and parents. In addition, there is a useful, fully cross-referenced section of comparative terms used in the US, Canada, Australia, and South Africa.
Из серии: Oxford Paperback Reference
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