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1 Английский язык. Учебно-тренировочные тесты для подготовки к централизованному тестированию и экзамену. Юрий Маслов, Марина Еновна Маслова
Предлагаемый материал обеспечивает возможность комплексного повторения грамматического материала, изученного в курсе средней школы,
116 руб
2 Cosmic B1. Test Book. Katerina Mestheneou
From the very first page Cosmic! seeks to stimulate students with subjects that leap from the page. This lively and bright, revolutionary new course starts from the teen point of view bringing their real world into the classroom. Based ontheir
401 руб
3 Cosmic B2. Test Book. Teacher’s Guide. Katerina Mestheneou
From the very first page Cosmic! seeks to stimulate students with subjects that leap from the page. This lively and bright, revolutionary new course starts from the teen point of view bringing their real world into the classroom. Из серии:
485 руб
4 Ловушки в тестах по английскому языку. Подготовка к тестированию и экзамену. В. Слепович
В нем приводятся лексико-грамматические "ловушки" и связанные с ними трудности перевода в тестах. Цель издания - научить быстро и без
146 руб
5 KIKUS English Worksheet Set 3. Stefan Merkle
KIKUS English Worksheet Set 3.
324 руб
6 Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test More Practice Tests Complete Audio Program on Audio CDs. Lin Lougheed
1969 руб
7 Face2Face Elementary. Workbook with Key. Chris Redston, Gillie Cunningham
face2face is the flexible, easy-to-teach General English course that helps adults and young adults to speak and listen with confidence. The course for busy teachers who want to get their students communicating with confidence. The Workbook with
322 руб
8 Focusing On IELTS. Academic Practice Tests (+ 3CD). Michael Clutterbuck, Philip Gould
The series consists of two skills books, Listening and Speaking Skills, and Reading and Writing Skills (suitable for both the General Training and Academic modules), and two books of practice tests, one for each module. The Focusing on IELTS series
1891 руб
9 Английский язык. Базовые глаголы, существительные, прилагательные и их сочетания в тестах. Павел Литвинов
Отличительной чертой предлагаемых тестов является параллельное изложение материала на английском и русском языках, благодаря чему
99 руб
10 Английский язык. Базовые глаголы, существительные, прилагательные и их сочетания. Павел Литвинов
Слова каждой части речи входят в простые словосочетания или в состав целых предложений. Данное практическое пособие содержит 1000 самых
115 руб
11 Top Secret 3. Tests
Новый курс обучает современному английскому языку в увлекательной форме с привлечением элементов таинственности, тем самым превращая
233 руб
12 Top Secret 2. Tests
Новый курс обучает современному английскому языку в увлекательной форме с привлечением элементов таинственности, тем самым превращая
233 руб
13 Top Secret 1. Tests
Новый курс обучает современному английскому языку в увлекательной форме с привлечением элементов таинственности, тем самым превращая
233 руб
14 Real Life Global Pre-Int Students Book. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor
Real Life Global Pre-Int Students Book, рабочая тетрадь по английскому 2010.
739 руб
15 Check Your Vocabulary For TOEFL SB. Rawdon Wyatt
Из серии: Check your vocabulary for 2008. Appropriate for anyone who wishes to study or train in an English-speaking country.
816 руб
16 Boost 1 Grammar Teacher Edition. Jason Renshaw, Wade O. Nichols
It was designed specifically for younger English language learners who have already progressed through a basic primary/elementary series and need a more advanced approach to learning through skills. The Boost! Integrated Skills Series encompasses 4
271 руб
17 Outcomes pre-intermediate. Student`s book (with pin & vocab builder). Hugh Dellar, Andrew Walkley
Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn
946 руб
18 Cracking the GRE mathematics subject test. Steven A. Leduc
We teach you only the information you’ll need along with the best strategies for the test day. Getting a high score on the GRE Math Subject Test isn’t about memorizing everything there is to know about math–it’s about targeting your test
887 руб
19 Kaplan TOEFL iBT 2010-2011 (+CD). Kaplan, Eve Higby, Emily Hudon
Известнейшая компания в сфере подготовки материалов по подготовке к тестам на знание английского языка по всему миру, Каплан
1296 руб
20 Official top tips for pet (+CD). Helen Naylor, Annette Capel, Sharon Ashton
Тренировочные тесты PET Из серии: ESOL Examinations (Cambridge University Press) 2009.
483 руб
21 Tests for Russian state exam. Teacher`s Book. Мария Вербицкая
В новое, второе, издание пособий внесены изменения, отражающие содержание и формат ЕГЭ по английскому. Пособия серии Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia
496 руб
22 Тесты по базовому курсу английской грамматики. Ольга Васильевна Афанасьева
Оно ориентировано на преодоление грамматических и лексических трудностей изучаемого языка и является своеобразным индикатором,
144 руб
23 Ielts Practice. Tests Plus 2. With Keys (+CD). Judith Wilson, Terry Morgan
It includes: * six complete Practice Tests incorporating the 2005 modifications to the Writing module * additional reading and writing modules for General Training candidates * a full description of the exam * strategy boxes training key sub-skills
1187 руб
24 Zabadoo! 2 Class Compact Disk Book. Paul A. Davies, Carolyn Graham
The course aims to develop children's awareness of English as an international means of communication. Zabadoo! is a three-level English course for beginners in primary school. This language is then extended in a variety of activities to practise
551 руб
25 PET practice tests with keys. Jenny Quintana
2003. Five practice tests for the updated Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET).
695 руб
26 Oxford Placement Test 1 . Dave Allan
Key features: * A reliable and efficient means of grading and placing students into classes. Placement test pack which provides an easy, practical way of grading students. * The tests are divided into two sections: a Listening Test (ten minutes)
2092 руб
27 Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. A. P. Cowie
1993. A comprehensive dictionary reflecting current idiomatic English.
1497 руб
28 Opportunities. Upper-Intermediate. Test Book
Содержит тестовый материал для проверки знаний учащихся. Тесты к учебнику английского языка. 2009. Под русской редакцией.
242 руб
29 New Matrix Pre-Intermediate (8-th graduate) Work Book. Michael Duckworth, Kathy Gude, Rosemary Nixon, Elena Khotuntseva
Рабочая тетрадь. Русифицированное издание комплекса Matrix для 8-го класса. 2009.
278 руб
30 Matrix Intermediate Work Book. Jayne Wildman, Kathy Gude
2009. A series that prepares students for secondary school-leaving exams.
277 руб
31 Языковое тестирование. Тим Макнамара
Данное переводное издание печатается с разрешения издательства Оксфордского университета. Языковое тестирование из Оксфордской
93 руб
32 Ielts Testbuilder Book (+2CD). Sam McCarter, Judith Ash
The book contains four IELTS tests and further practice and guidance sections, and the free accompanying audio CDs contain all four listening tests. The "Testbuilder" is aimed at those candidates preparing for a score band of six and above in the
1649 руб
33 Ielts Practice Tests Plus With Keys. Vanessa Jakeman
Useful tips are included to maximise their chances of excelling. Each book introduces students to exam formats and provides step-by-step guidance. 2005.
789 руб
34 First Certificate English Prac Tests Edition With Keys Ey. Mark Harrison
2008. A set of four practice tests for the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE).
737 руб
35 First Certificate English Prac Tests Edition Workbook With Keys(+Cd). Mark Harrison
2008. A set of four practice tests for the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE).
1373 руб
36 English File. Pre-Intermediate Workbook (without keys). Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig
2005. The Pre-intermediate course that gets students talking, and that helps teachers and students more than any other.
480 руб
37 Cylet 4 Starters Test. ESOL Cambridge
They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET, and FCE). g. Из серии: Starters 2007.
489 руб
38 Cylet 3 Movers Test. ESOL Cambridge
They provide the first step towards the Cambridge ESOL main suite exams (e. These practice tests from Cambridge ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. KET, PET, and FCE). g. There are 3 sets of tests for
666 руб
39 Common Mistakes At Cae. Debra Powell
This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid them. Focuses on the real mistakes students make in the exam and shows how to avoid them. Clear explanations and exercises help
583 руб
40 Language Test Construction and Evaluation. Dianne Wall
Each chapter deals with one stage of the test construction process; from drafting initial test specifications, to reporting test scores, test validation and washback. Language Test Construction and Evaluation describes the process of language test
1550 руб
41 Chatterbox 1 Activity Book. Derek Strange
2011. Stimulating activities within a graded syllabus.
618 руб
42 Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Starter Student`S Book Pack Ne. Petrina Cliff
These new editions are updated for the revised exams (January 2007). Two sets, each containing four full-colour Starters or Movers practice tests to provide 7-12 year-olds with authentic practice for the Cambridge ESOL Young Learners English (YLE)
568 руб
43 Cambridge Vocabulary For First Certificate English. С Ответами (+CD). Barbara Thomas, Laura Matthews
It provides students with practice of exam tasks from the Reading, Writing, Listening and Use of English papers. Cambridge Vocabulary for First Certificate covers all the vocabulary First Certificate candidates need. 2008.
1077 руб
44 Cambridge English Skillreal Writting 3 (без ответов). Roger Gower
Learners can develop the skills they need to write English confidently wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or just in social situations with English-speaking friends. A four-level skills series for adults and young adults.
617 руб
45 Cambridge Advanced English Practice Tests With Keys Ey. Mark Harrison
2008. A set of four practice tests for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).
737 руб
46 Cambridge Advanced English Practice Tests With Keys(+Cd). Mark Harrison
2008. A set of four practice tests for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).
905 руб
47 Business Vocabulary In Use Intermediate Test
There is a clear one-page test for each unit of the parent book and a user-friendly answer key which. Test Your Business Vocabulary in Use is a set of 66 tests based on the key corpus informed vocabulary highlighted in Business Vocabulary in Use.
429 руб
48 Английский язык. 3 класс. Часть 2. Светлана Тер-Минасова, Лариса Узунова , Елена Сухина
2009. Учебник английского языка для 3 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.
301 руб
49 ЕГЭ Английский язык. Лексика в тестах. Лариса Романова
Задачей экзаменационного теста в данном разделе является проверка навыков использования грамматического и лексического материала.
144 руб
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