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Fast Track To First Certificate English. Examination Practice. Workbook with keys. Ana Acevedo, Marisol Gower

Fast Track To First Certificate English. Examination Practice. Workbook with keys. Ana Acevedo, Marisol Gower

676 руб Заказать
While looking at what is being tested and why, students learn how to tackle each task in the most effective way. Focused and challenging, "Fast Track to FCE" consolidates all the key grammar and vocabulary students need for the First Certificate exam, and trains them in essential exam technique. The Exam Practice Workbook provides: follow-up homework for the Coursebook lessons; thorough treatment of grammar and vocabulary areas tested at FCE; graded practice for Paper 3 (Use of English); additional Paper 1 (Reading) and Paper 2 (Writing) tasks, plus guidance; progress reviews and tests after every two units. Getting students on the right track.
Из серии: New FCE
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