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Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English. Dictionaries Oxford

Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English. Dictionaries Oxford

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Straightforward definitions are accompanied by plenty of example sentences to show how words behave in the language. Its excellent coverage of essential English vocabulary and clear, accessible style make this revised edition of the Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English ideal for general everyday use. The Effective English section in the centre of the dictionary is packed with advice on how to use English in a variety of situations, such as writing CVs or letters of complaint. Usage notes on tricky parts of English help you distinguish between commonly confused words, such as complementary and complimentary, orforbear and forebear, as well as giving advice on grammar. The clear layout and attractive two-colour design enable you to find the infromation you want quickly and easily, and the uncomplicated definitions give you the most accurate picture of the language possible. This revised edition has been completely redesigned and now contains even more practical help with correspondence.
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