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Our Discovery Island 1. Posters. Linnette Erocak

Our Discovery Island 1. Posters. Linnette Erocak

637 руб Заказать
Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English. Where learning is an unforgettable adventure! Welcometo Our Discovery Island,a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning. *Authenticity: Children are safe, absorbed and happy playing and practising in the online game. *Whole learner: Adventures on themed islands develop cognitive, emotional, and social skills. *Motivation: Stories, characters, and activities engage learners. *Repetition: Songs, chants, and games reinforce essential vocabulary and grammar practice.
Из серии: Our Discovery Island
2012. Our Discovery Island is a groundbreaking new course that makes learning English an exciting andengaging experience.
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