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Critical Stylistics: The Power of English. Lesley Jeffries

Critical Stylistics: The Power of English. Lesley Jeffries

1674 руб Заказать
Stylistics provides detailed tools of analysis for understanding how texts work. We tend to think that politicians, copywriters and journalists can affect us by their use of language, but how does this happen, exactly? Critical Discourse Analysis provides us with general theories for explaining the impact texts can have, considering the social and political contexts in which texts are produced and read. Original and engaging, Critical Stylistics: • presents a new amalgamation of stylistics, critical discourse analysis and functional approaches to grammar • introduces a comprehensive set of tools to help explain and analyse the power of written texts • examines a wide variety of real texts and provides a wealth of practical worked examples
Из серии: Perspectives on the English Language
2009. Critical Stylistics combines the strengths of these two approaches to uncover the deep-seated ideologies of everyday texts.
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