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Reading Power 2

Reading Power 2

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Its unique structure, featuring four parts to be used concurrently, allows low-intermediate-level students (with a 600-word vocabulary) to develop the multiple sills and strategies involved in the reading process. Reading Power 2 is a new and updated edition of the successful student-centered reading skills textbook Reading Power. *VocabularyBuilding offers strategies for independent vocabulary learning such as dictionary work, guessing meaning from context, and learning how words work in sentences. Overview *Extensive Reading helps students to build reading fluency, broaden knowledge of vocabulary and collocation, and gain confidence. *Reading Faster builds awareness of reading speed, provides strategies and exercises for increasing speed, and offers charts for tracking progress. *Comprehension Skills teaches reading skills such as recognizing words and phrases, scanning for information, and making inferences. The Reading Power series also includes: *Basic Reading Power 1 (Third Edition): Beginning*Reading Power 2 (4th Edition): Intermediate*More Reading Power 3: High-Intermediate*Advanced Reading Power 4: Advanced
2009. New to the Fourth Edition *An updated Extensive Reading section with a unit on fiction and non-fiction reading, more activities for evaluating student progress, and a revised suggested reading list *Enhanced vocabulary features including new Focus on Vocabulary exercises and an expanded Vocabulary Building section There is also a Teacher Guide with Answer Key and a Test Booklet for Reading Power 2.
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