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Боевая Машина Пехоты M2A2 Bradley

Боевая Машина Пехоты M2A2 Bradley

566 руб Заказать
The main armament consists of a McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Systems 25 mm M 242 Bushmaster chain gun with double belt feed (max. Масштаб: 1:72 Деталей: 175 Длина: 92 мм Уровень сложности: 4 (из 5) The M2 "Bradley", introduced in 1983, is the standard fighting vehicle of the American armoured infantry. 62 mm M 242 C machine gun mounted coaxial to right of the cannon. firing speed 200 rounds per minute), together with a 7. Model-details: - Fine surface details - Traversing turret - TOW launcher optionally down or in the firing position - Injection moulded tracks with individual links and segments - Applique armour - Optional parts for versions M 2 A2 and M 3 A2 - Authentic decals for four vehicles Colors: 6 88 90 91
Производитель: Revell. To the left on the turret is a launcher that swivels up and down for twin TOW anti-tank missiles.
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