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Tempo 1 Student's Book. Clive Barker

Tempo 1 Student's Book. Clive Barker

628 руб Заказать
Each unit begins with a visual presentation of key vocabulary. Tempo is an exciting new three-level course for young teenagers (ages 10 -14), which offers real English, right now! The lessons are based on an episodic story about a group of young school friends and their adventures. KEY FEATURES * Grammar Focus boxes and practice exercises to reinforce knowledge * Self assessment pages give students a real sense of progress * Games, puzzles, cartoon strips and photo stories recycle and reinforce knowledge * Portfolio sections allow students to build up a personal dossier about themselves and their interests
Из серии: Tempo. The language is then practiced and recycled throughout with games, puzzles, cartoon strips and photo stories to help students to consolidate their knowledge.
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