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Mosaic 2 Writing TM. Amy Lawler

Mosaic 2 Writing TM. Amy Lawler

642 руб Заказать
Language proficiencies are articulated from the beginning through advanced levels within each of the four language skill strands. Interactions/Mosaics Silver Edition is a fully integrated, 18-book series that prepares students for academic success. Unique Features of Interactions/Mosaic Silver Edition •Contemporary, full-color design ? for Interactions Access and Interactions 1 and 2 Reading and Listening/Speaking ? showcases compelling instructional photos to strengthen the educational experience. Chapter themes articulate across the four skill strands to promote systematic recycling of vocabulary and grammar. •Enhanced focus on vocabulary building, test taking, and critical thinking skills promotes academic achievement. •Up-to-date, engaging global content appeals to the sophisticated, academic audience for Interactions/Mosaic. •Focus on Testing strategies and activities for TOEFL ?iBT preparation build invaluable test-taking strategies. •Self-Assessment Logs encourage students to evaluate their learning. •Guided practice with using a variety of graphic organizers provides students with organization tools for academic skill building. •Skills index for each student book helps instructors match textbook content with curricular standards and objectives. Key Features •Compelling global content. •Best Practices approach in the Teacher?s Edition promotes excellence in language teaching and learning. •Focus on Testing sections prepare students for success on the TOEFL? iBT by presenting and practicing key question types. •Full-color design for the Interactions Access, 1 and 2 levels. •Systematic vocabulary introduction and practice ensures students will interact meaningfully with each target word at least four times. •Focus on vocabulary from the High-Frequency and Academic Word Lists offers additional practice with words students are most likely to encounter in social interactions and academic text. •Guided Academic Conversations in Mosaic 1 and 2 offer structured speaking activities to ensure productive post-reading discussions. •Expanded audio program includes all reading selections, vocabulary words, and selected listening activities to accelerate reading fluency. < •EZ Test? CD ROM Test Generator for each book includes more than 400 questions to help teachers create customized tests within minutes. •Vocabulary index equips student and instructors with chapter-by-chapter lists of target words.
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