Вечерня Пресвятой Богородицы. Vespro della Beata Vergine by Monteverdi, Claudio Жанры: Vespers; Religious works; For 6 voices, 2 mixed choruses, orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring the bass
Музыкальные шутки, книга 1. Scherzi musicali, Book 1 by Monteverdi, Claudio Жанры: Scherzos; For 3 voices, 2 treble, bass instruments; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the alto voice; Scores featuring the bass voice; Scores with open instrumentation; For voices with solo
Современная месса. Missa In illo tempore by Monteverdi, Claudio Жанры: Masses; Religious works; For mixed chorus; For unaccompanied chorus; Scores featuring mixed chorus; For mixed chorus, continuo; Scores with basso continuo; For chorus with continuo; Latin language; For 7 recorders (arr); Scores
Мадригалы, книга 8. Madrigals, Book 8 by Monteverdi, Claudio Жанры: Madrigals; For 1 voice; For unaccompanied voices; Scores featuring the voice; For 2 voices; For 3 voices; For 4 voices; For 5 voices; For 6 voices, 2 violins, 4 violas; Scores featuring the violin; Scores featuring the viola; For voices
Мадригалы, книга 7. Madrigals, Book 7 by Monteverdi, Claudio Жанры: Madrigals; For voice, strings; For voices with string ensemble; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring string ensemble; For voice, continuo; For voices with continuo; Scores with basso continuo; For 2 voices, continuo; For 6
Мадригалы, книга 5. Madrigals, Book 5 by Monteverdi, Claudio Жанры: Madrigals; For 5 voices, continuo; For voices with continuo; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the alto voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring the bass voice; Scores with
Мадригалы, книга 3. Madrigals, Book 3 by Monteverdi, Claudio Жанры: Madrigals; For 5 voices; For unaccompanied voices; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the alto voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring the bass voice; Italian language; For
2 струнных квартета. 2 String Quartets by Moniuszko, Stanis?aw Жанры: Quartets; For 2 violins, viola, cello; Scores featuring the violin; Scores featuring the viola; Scores featuring the cello; Scores featuring string ensemble; For 4 players. Репринтное нотное издание Moniuszko,
Галька. Halka by Moniuszko, Stanis?aw Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Polish language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
Роберт-дьявол. Robert le diable by Meyerbeer, Giacomo Жанры: Grand operas; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano (arr);
Пророк. Le prophГЁte by Meyerbeer, Giacomo Жанры: Grand operas; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano (arr);
Плоэрмельское прощение. Le pardon de PloГ«rmel by Meyerbeer, Giacomo Жанры: Operas comiques; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano
Гугеноты. Les Huguenots by Meyerbeer, Giacomo Жанры: Grand operas; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano 4 hands
Крестоносец в Египте. Il crociato in Egitto by Meyerbeer, Giacomo Жанры: Opera seria; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language.
Симфония No.5, Op.107. Symphony No.5, Op.107 by Felix Mendelssohn 5, Op. Репринтное нотное издание Mendelssohn, Felix "Symphony No. Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the piano; Scores featuring the piano 4 hands;
Симфония No.4, Op.90. Symphony No.4, Op.90 by Felix Mendelssohn 4, Op. Репринтное нотное издание Mendelssohn, Felix "Symphony No. Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For violin, piano (arr); For 2 players; Scores featuring the violin; Scores featuring
Симфония No.3, Op.56. Symphony No.3, Op.56 by Felix Mendelssohn 3, Op. Репринтное нотное издание Mendelssohn, Felix "Symphony No. Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For violin, cello, piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the violin; Scores featuring
Симфония No.2, Op.52. Symphony No.2, Op.52 by Felix Mendelssohn 2, Op. Репринтное нотное издание Mendelssohn, Felix "Symphony No. Жанры: Symphonies; For 3 voices, mixed chorus, organ, orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the
Симфония No.1, Op.11. Symphony No.1, Op.11 by Felix Mendelssohn 1, Op. Репринтное нотное издание Mendelssohn, Felix "Symphony No. Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For 2 pianos 8 hands (arr); For 4 players; Scores featuring the piano; For piano 4 hands