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Культура. Искусство

7851 Андромаха. Andromaque by Saint-Sa?ns, Camille
Жанры: Incidental music; Stage Works; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra. Репринтное нотное издание Saint-Sa?ns, Camille "Andromaque". Воспроизведено в оригинальной
456 руб
7852 Альбом, Op.72. Album, Op.72 by Saint-Sa?ns, Camille
72". Репринтное нотное издание Saint-Sa?ns, Camille "Album, Op. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии
456 руб
7853 Африка, Op.89. Africa, Op.89 by Saint-Sa?ns, Camille
89". Репринтное нотное издание Saint-Sa?ns, Camille "Africa, Op. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии
836 руб
7854 Зельмира. Zelmira by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; Melodramas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra. Репринтное нотное
4408 руб
7855 Путешествие в Реймс. Il viaggio a Reims by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Dramma giocoso; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; Opera buffa; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra;
300 руб
7856 Турок в Италии. Il turco in Italia by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Opera buffa; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For
1444 руб
7857 Торвальдо и Дорлиска. Torvaldo e Dorliska by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: For piano (arr); For 1 player; Scores featuring the piano. Репринтное нотное издание Rossini, Gioacchino "Torvaldo e Dorliska". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
2964 руб
7858 Танкред. Tancredi by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
2888 руб
7859 Музыкальные вечера. SoirГ©es musicales by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Songs; For voice, piano; For voices with keyboard; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the piano; Scores featuring the tenor voice; For 2 voices, piano; Scores featuring the bass voice;
608 руб
7860 Синьор Брускино. Il signor Bruschino by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Farces; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano
1368 руб
7861 Сигизмунд. Sigismondo by Rossini, Gioacchino
Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии производства репринтных книг и печати по требованию.
1824 руб
7862 Осада Коринфа. Le siГЁge de Corinthe by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Lyric tragedies; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language;
4180 руб
7863 Семирамида. Semiramide by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores
4332 руб
7864 Шелковая лестница. La scala di seta by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Farces; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano
532 руб
7865 Роберт Брюс. Robert Bruce by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language. Репринтное
2432 руб
7866 Риччардо и Зораида. Ricciardo e Zoraide by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: For piano (arr); For 1 player; Scores featuring the piano. Репринтное нотное издание Rossini, Gioacchino "Ricciardo e Zoraide". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
3724 руб
7867 Венецианская регата. La regata veneziana by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Canzonettas; Songs; For voice, piano; For voices with keyboard; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the mezzo-soprano voice; Scores featuring the piano; Venetian language; Italian language. Репринтное нотное
380 руб
7868 Пробный камень. La pietra del paragone by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Dramma giocoso; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; Opera buffa; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra;
1200 руб
7869 Пьеса для пианино. Piano Pieces by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Pieces; For piano; Scores featuring the piano; For 1 player. Репринтное нотное издание Rossini, Gioacchino "Piano Pieces". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
608 руб
7870 Маленькая торжественная месса. Petite messe solennelle by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Masses; Religious works; For 4 voices, mixed chorus, 2 pianos, harmonium; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the soprano voice; Scores featuring the alto voice; Scores featuring the tenor voice; Scores featuring the bass
1976 руб
7871 Грехи старости. PГ©chГ©s de vieillesse by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Pieces; For piano; Scores featuring the piano; For 1 player. Репринтное нотное издание Rossini, Gioacchino "Peches de vieillesse". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
608 руб
7872 Отелло. Otello by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
3950 руб
7873 Моисей в Египте. MosГЁ in Egitto by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; French language; For piano
3800 руб
7874 Практическое руководство по современной песне. Metodo pratico di canto moderno by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Methods; For voice, piano; For voices with keyboard; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the piano; Italian language; German language. Репринтное нотное издание Rossini, Gioacchino "Metodo pratico di
456 руб
7875 Маометто второй. Maometto secondo by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language. Репринтное
3344 руб
7876 Айвенго. IvanhoГ© by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language. Репринтное
3420 руб
7877 Вильгельм Телль. Guillaume Tell by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
3876 руб
7878 Сорока-воровка. La gazza ladra by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Opera semiseria; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano
4256 руб
7879 Гермиона. Ermione by Rossini, Gioacchino
Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные технологии производства репринтных книг и печати по требованию.
2964 руб
7880 Эдуард и Кристина. Eduardo e Cristina by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
1900 руб
7881 Дева озера. La donna del lago by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
4028 руб
7882 Деметрий и Полибий. Demetrio e Polibio by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
3420 руб
7883 Граф Ори. Le comte Ory by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; French language. Репринтное
2280 руб
7884 Золушка. La cenerentola by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Dramma giocoso; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; Opera buffa; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra;
4028 руб
7885 Брачный вексель. La cambiale di matrimonio by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr); For 1 player; Scores featuring the piano. Репринтное
3648 руб
7886 Бьянка и Фалльеро. Bianca e Falliero by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language. Репринтное
3268 руб
7887 Севильский цирюльник. Il barbiere di Siviglia by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Dramma giocoso; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; Opera buffa; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra;
3648 руб
7888 Аврелиан в Пальмире. Aureliano in Palmira by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Opera seria; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr);
3800 руб
7889 Армида. Armida by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
2280 руб
7890 Аделаида Бургундская. Adelaide di Borgogna by Rossini, Gioacchino
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Italian language; For piano (arr); For 1 player;
760 руб
7891 Вариации на тему Глинки. Variations on a Theme by Glinka by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Жанры: Variations; For oboe, military band; Scores featuring the oboe; Scores featuring military band; For orchestra (without strings). Репринтное нотное издание Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay "Variations on a Theme by
380 руб
7892 Концерт для тромбона. Trombone Concerto by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Жанры: Concertos; For trombone, military band; Scores featuring the trombone; Scores featuring military band; For orchestra (without strings); For trombone, piano (arr); Scores featuring the piano; For 2 players. Репринтное
532 руб
7893 Сказка о царе Салтане. The Tale of Tsar Saltan by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; Suites; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra. Репринтное нотное издание Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". Воспроизведено в оригинальной
850 руб
7894 Сказка о царе Салтане. The Tale of Tsar Saltan by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Russian language; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores
608 руб
7895 Симфония No.3, Op.32. Symphony No.3, Op.32 by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
3, Op. Репринтное нотное издание Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay "Symphony No. Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra. 32". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
1368 руб
7896 Симфония No.2, Op.9. Symphony No.2, Op.9 by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
2, Op. Репринтное нотное издание Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay "Symphony No. Жанры: Symphonies; Suites; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the piano; Scores featuring the
1216 руб
7897 Симфония No.1, Op.1. Symphony No.1, Op.1 by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
1, Op. Репринтное нотное издание Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay "Symphony No. Жанры: Symphonies; For orchestra; Scores featuring the orchestra. 1". Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской
1064 руб
7898 Струнный секстет ля мажор. String Sextet in A major by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Жанры: Sextets; For 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos; Scores featuring the violin; Scores featuring the viola; Scores featuring the cello; Scores featuring string ensemble; For 6 players; For piano 4 hands (arr); Scores featuring the piano;
760 руб
7899 Струнный квартет соль мажор. String Quartet in G major by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Жанры: Quartets; For 2 violins, viola, cello; Scores featuring the violin; Scores featuring the viola; Scores featuring the cello; Scores featuring string ensemble; For 4 players. Репринтное нотное издание
380 руб
7900 Струнный квартет фа мажор, Op.12. String Quartet in F major, Op.12 by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
12". Репринтное нотное издание Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay "String Quartet in F major, Op. Мы создали специально для Вас, используя собственные запатентованные
380 руб

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