Mittelpunkt B2/C1 Interaktive Tafelbilder : CD-ROM. Collectif Zum direkten Einsatz im Unterricht • Passgenau zu ausgewahlten Lektionen fur den direkten Einsatz im Unterricht • Fordert die sprachliche Interaktion im Plenum • Bietet spielerische Ubungen zum jeweiligen Lektionsthema • Wiederholt und
Language Leader Advenced (3CD) Курс развивает аналитические способности студентов, необходимые для успешного овладения языком. Курс английского языка для молодежи
Hot Spot 4 (CD) Bright and colourful, it makes the most of the growing identity of the young teenager through lively illustrations and photography. Hot Spot is a new course that identifies with the ‘betweenagers’ 10-14 age group. Providing a focus on the UK
Hot Spot 3 (CD) Bright and colourful, it makes the most of the growing identity of the young teenager through lively illustrations and photography. Hot Spot is a new course that identifies with the ‘betweenagers’ 10-14 age group. Providing a focus on the UK
Top Secret 2. Active Teach (CD) Новый курс обучает современному английскому языку в увлекательной форме с привлечением элементов таинственности, тем самым превращая
Practical English Language Teaching: listening CD Practical English Language Teaching offers a thorough yet practical overview of language teaching methodology for teachers and teachers in preparation. The principles outlined in each chapter are richly illustrated with vignettes and extracts from
Mosaic 2 Reading EZ Test Gernerator 2007 Language proficiencies are articulated from the beginning through advanced levels within each of the four language-skill strands. Interactions/Mosaic Silver Edition is a fully integrated academic skills series that combines the best of print with
Mosaic 1 Reading EZ Test Gernerator 2007 Language proficiencies are articulated from the beginning through advanced levels within each of the four language-skill strands. Interactions/Mosaic Silver Edition is a fully integrated academic skills series that combines the best of print with
Mit uns leben 2, CD Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Mit uns leben 2. Neu. Kursbuch. CD: Deutsch als Zweitsprache: TEIL 2
Производитель: Klett.
Logisch! A1 Vokabeltrainer (CD-rom) Er organisiert das Wortschatzlernen, bietet Vokabeln nach Kapiteln sortiert, Beispielsatze, Audios, Vokabelkarten zum Ausdrucken und vieles mehr. Vokabeltrainer A1 CD-ROM, Englisch, Spanisch, Griechisch, Turkisch, Italienisch Vokabeltrainer A1: Der
Lifestyle. Pre-Intermediate (2CD) The first part contains: - Activities for each of the 16 units of the Coursebook divided into the following sections: Grammar, Communication, Word Focus, Pronunciation and Language Quiz - Grammar reference - Wordlist – this interactive
Language Leader Intermediate (CD) Сочетая в себе богатое информационное содержание и систематическую работу по развитию навыков Language Leader является идеальным курсом для
Lagune. Ubungsblatter per Mausklick. Niveaustufe A1-B1 Der Lehrer kann aus diesen Texten mithilfe des Ubungsgenerators in Sekundenschnelle zusatzliche Ubungsblatter zu Wortschatz, Grammatik und zum Leseverstehen erstellen. Die CD-ROM enthalt Lesetexte und Dialoge aus allen drei Banden des Lehrwerks
Insight into IELTS Extra (CD). Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell The book is arranged by paper, so that teachers, or students working alone, can choose exactly which part of the exam they want to focus on. Insight into IELTS prepares candidates for the International English Language Testing System, known as
Fly High 2 (3CD) Персонажи учебника помогают осваивать грамматику и формировать навыки. Fly High - четырехуровневый курс для начальной школы, который в