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Учебники. Самоучители. Пособия

51 Objective Key. Workbook with Answers (+ CD). Wendy Sharp, Annette Capel
This is a revised and updated edition of Objective KET. Objective Key offers students complete, official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) and Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools Test. The Workbook with answers provides
605 руб
52 Academic Encounters. List and Speak (3CD). Kim Sanabria
There are two books for each content area. The Academic Encounters Second edition series uses a sustained content approach to teach skills necessary for taking academic courses in English. The content includes warm-up listening activities,
2162 руб
53 Compact Preliminary for Schools (CD). Amanda Thomas, Sue Elliott
The Audio CD features recordings of all listening material in Units 1-8 including sample speaking tasks. Compact Preliminary for Schools is a focused, 50 - 60 hour course for Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools, also known as Preliminary
446 руб
54 Advanced Grammar in Use. Book without Answers. Martin Hewings
This third edition, without answers, is perfect for reinforcement work in the classroom. A fully updated version of the highly successful Advanced Grammar in Use. It is ideal for learners preparing for the Cambridge Advanced, Proficiency or IELTS
1076 руб
55 CPT for IELTS 9 (2CD). ESOL Cambridge
It allows students to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic test material. Cambridge IELTS 9 contains four authentic IELTS past papers from Cambridge ESOL, providing excellent exam practice. These
850 руб
56 Objective Key. Workbook without Answers. Wendy Sharp, Annette Capel
This is a revised and updated edition of Objective KET. Objective Key offers students complete, official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) and Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools Test. The Workbook without answers provides
564 руб
57 Advanced Grammar in Use. Book with Answers. Martin Hewings
This third edition, with answers, is ideal for self-study. A fully updated version of the highly successful Advanced Grammar in Use. It is ideal for learners preparing for the Cambridge Advanced, Proficiency or IELTS examinations, and is informed
1107 руб
58 Мы и наша повседневная жизнь. В.А. Тырыгина
Задача расширения и усвоения активного словаря говорящего решается в пособии в том числе и с помощью его сетевой организации. Цель
199 руб
59 Английский язык (для бакалавров). Татьяна Карпова, Анжела Восковская
Текстовый материал, система упражнений и тестов дают возможность развить навыки основной речевой деятельности, систематизировать
381 руб
60 Learning Mats - Rhyming (set of cards)
Each puzzle is unique—great for self-checking—and features a target word at the center piece and four rhyming picture/word puzzle pieces! Includes: • 10 two-sided, self-checking puzzles (20 puzzles in all) • Activity guide. Teach and
414 руб
61 Word by Word. Bilingual English/Spanish. Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss
Covers a wide range of topics, including clothing, home, transportation, and more. A companion to the best-selling Word by Word Picture Dictionary, this workbook is filled with activities for beginning learners of English as a Second Language.
643 руб
62 Cosmic B1. Grammar. Rod Fricker
From the very first page Cosmic! seeks to stimulate students with subjects that leap from the page. This lively and bright, revolutionary new course starts from the teen point of view bringing their real world into the classroom. Из серии:
545 руб
63 Cosmic B1+. Workbook (+ CD). Rod Fricker
From the very first page Cosmic! seeks to stimulate students with subjects that leap from the page. This lively and bright, revolutionary new course starts from the teen point of view bringing their real world into the classroom. Based ontheir
793 руб
64 Our Discovery Island 2. Active Teach. Sagrario Salaberri
Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English. Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning. * Authenticity: Children are safe, absorbed and happy playing and
3479 руб
65 Cosmic B1. Active Teach
From the very first page Cosmic! seeks to stimulate students with subjects that leap from the page. This lively and bright, revolutionary new course starts from the teen point of view bringing their real world into the classroom. Cosmic! uses
3479 руб
66 Focus on Grammar 5. Workbook
2011. The Workbook accompanying each level of Focus on Grammar provides additional exercises appropriate for self-study of the target grammar for each Student Book unit.
618 руб
67 Focus on Grammar 4. Workbook. Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner
545 руб
68 Focus on Grammar 1. Workbook
618 руб
69 Wonderland. Junior B. Study Companion. Sandy Zervas
The Wonderland series has been written for Greek and Cypriot Pre-Junior and Junior classes. Wonderland makes learning English a magical, memorable experience, by using the familiar fantastic world of Disney characters that children know and love.
655 руб
70 Методическое пособие к учебнику "English for Business Studies". Т. Барановская
Цель создания пособия - дополнить существующий курс упражнениями и заданиями на перевод, грамматическими упражнениями, а также
295 руб
71 Занимательный английский. Игры, задания, тесты. Валерий Степанов
Эти лексические упражнения имеют форму ребусов, загадок, лабиринтов, головоломок и кроссвордов, что гарантировано увеличит интерес к
178 руб
72 Английский язык для начинающих. Ирина Краева, Инна Павловна Крылова
Комплексный характер книги, тщательно разработанный поурочный аппарат лексико-грамматических и фонетических упражнений, задания,
301 руб
73 Collins Work On Your Handwriting. Siklos Jenny
Work on your Handwriting will help students to improve their handwriting in English. A workbook to help adult learners of English to improve their handwriting. It is ideal both for use in the classroom and for self-study or academic study. This
464 руб
74 Английский язык в таблицах и схемах. Светлана Первухина
Материал представлен в удобной для понимания и запоминания форме, и схемах и таблицах. Пособие содержит сведения о правилах чтения и о
103 руб
75 English. Самоучитель английского языка. Станислав Дугин
Ну что ж, для будущего мойщика посуды в каком-нибудь нью-йоркском ресторане этого, может быть, и достаточно. В последние годы появилось
441 руб
76 Calculus Early Transcendentals Combined. James Stewart, Howard Anton
Из серии: Calculus 2005. Book one in the Jade del Cameron Mystery Series set in 1920s East Africa.
5282 руб
77 Windows Server 2003 For Dummies. James Stewart, Tittel Ed
It covers the enhanced features and updates of the new version including the Microsoft . This is the perfect handbook for those who need to deploy, install, and configure installations, upgrade from previous versions, understand network addresses,
1429 руб
78 Say It in Greek. George Pappageotes
Gives the English phrase, the foreign equivalent, and a transliteration that can be read right off. Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and
333 руб
79 Say It in Danish. Gerda M. Anderson
Gives the English phrase, the foreign equivalent, and a transliteration that can be read right off. Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and
333 руб
80 Say It in Hungarian. Juliette Victor-Rood
Gives the English phrase, the foreign equivalent, and a transliteration that can be read right off. Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and
383 руб
81 Say It in Finnish. Amy Seely Flint
Из серии: Dover Say It Series 1984. Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and other situations.
383 руб
82 Race Against the Clock! Secret Agent. Activity Book. Jeremy Elder
Kids can engage in codebreaking, solve word searches, follow mazes, find hidden objects, and other challenges Из серии: Activity Book (Dover) 2011. Which wire to cut on the ticking time bomb? How to figure out the password that will clear
337 руб
83 Сам себе учитель английского. Олег Оваденко
Ключи в конце книги позволяют осуществлять самоконтроль. Объяснение грамматики английского языка в книге изложено в очень доступной
643 руб
84 Самоучитель английского языка (+CD). К.Э. Эккерсли
Э. Данное издание учебника К. Его цель, объединив в одной книге все четыре тома одного из самых популярных самоучителей английского
260 руб
85 Английский в наушниках (+CD). Наталья Черниховская
На диске вы найдете множество диалогов и активную лексику по самым нужным и актуальным темам, а также понятные объяснения
385 руб
86 Совершенствуйте свой английский! Билингва: два языка, две страны, две жизни (+CD). Л. Гриднева
Книга написана в популярном жанре билингвы, т. «Совершенствуйте свой английский!» – это книга для тех, кто хочет усовершенствовать
231 руб
87 Английский язык. Для начинающих. Звездный английский. Учебник. Ксения Баранова, Вирджиния Эванс, Дженни Дули
Он включает в себя задания и упражнения, посвященные русской культуре, упражнения на формирование общеучебных навыков и умений,
375 руб
88 English Grammar. An Intro. Peter Collin
There is greater discussion and exemplification of key terms, while essential topics are now fully. This new edition of a successful text has been thoroughly revised to make it even more accessible to those without any prior grammatical knowledge.
1775 руб
89 Study Skills for Speakers of English as a Second Language. Marilyn Lewis
Students who speak English as a second language and who are studying in a new country are taking an even bigger step. Starting at any university is a major step in life. Written in straightforward English, this text provides answers to frequently
1510 руб
90 Footprints 4. Activity book. Carol Read
Из серии: Footprints 2009. Footprints is beautifully-illustrated and appeals to both children and teachers, it is a six-level course designed to meet the needs of teachers and learners who are working at a higher level of English than
674 руб
91 Свободно говорю по-английски (+СD). Наталья Черниховская, Тейлор Блейн
Каждый раздел книги посвящен одному из способов сделать язык богаче и образнее. Это пособие поможет овладеть живым разговорным
280 руб
92 Полный курс английского языка. Мария Рубцова
Грамматический материал подается небольшими порциями, иллюстрируется интересными примерами, сопровождается тренировочными
266 руб
93 Разговорный английский - без проблем! (+CD). Наталья Черниховская
В нем представлены наиболее распространенные фразы для общения, обсуждения самых актуальных тем и решения всех вопросов, связанных с
240 руб
94 Актуальный английский. Broaden Your Mind Without a Grind. Наталья Кузнецова, Татьяна Андрюхина
Вы познакомитесь с оригинальными текстами на актуальные темы, проверите свои знания с помощью упражнений с ключами, прослушаете
204 руб
95 Американский язык. Базовый курс. 1 книга (+ 3 аудиокассеты, +бонус MP3,CD)
В основе каждого последующего урока лежит материал предыдущего. Курс состоит из 24 уроков (сцен). Все диалоги записаны на аудиокассеты.
697 руб
96 Gramm Cente Stage 4. Teach Edit. Samuela Eckstut
Realistic, engaging themes offer authentic contexts in which grammar practice is integrated with speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Center Stage - the all-inclusive, four-level program for standards-based language and lifeskills
193 руб
97 Gramm Cente Stage 2. Teach Edit. Samuela Eckstut
Realistic, engaging themes offer authentic contexts in which grammar practice is integrated with speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Center Stage - the all-inclusive, four-level program for standards-based language and lifeskills
193 руб
98 Английский язык. Самоучитель. Е. Самоделова
Он позволяет выработать речевые навыки, необходимые для общения и чтения несложной литературы, и овладеть основами грамматики: уроки
315 руб
99 Star Team 2. Student Book. Norman Whitney
2005. Star Team combines a functional language syllabus with a communicative approach, enabling students to talk about the things that interest them, and also to apply their language acquisition to cultural themes and cross-curricular topics.
821 руб
100 Star Team 3. Student Book. Norman Whitney
2005. Star Team combines a functional language syllabus with a communicative approach, enabling students to talk about the things that interest them, and also to apply their language acquisition to cultural themes and cross-curricular topics.
821 руб

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