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Window On Britain (DVD)

Window On Britain (DVD)

2143 руб Заказать
As cultural background material. How can it be used? As a supplement to any beginner to pre-intermediate course for lower secondary students. Key features Both videos in this series contain eight factual reports, introduced by a presenter. Who is it for? Lower secondary students. Window On Britain 2 topics are: Work, Animals, Holidays, The Media, Leisure, The Environment, Health, and Law and Order. Window on Britain topics are: An introduction to Britain, Schools, Food, Home, Sport, Festivals, Pop, and London. At each level the video is supported by an Activity Book for students and a Video Guide for teachers. The reports combine factual information with some semi-dramatized scenes.
Производитель: Oxford University Press. There is also a Window on Britain CD-ROM containing all the material in both the video and the support material, plus other features for classroom and individual use.
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