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Chit Chat 2 Audio Book

Chit Chat 2 Audio Book

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Intended to be more grammatically organized than other primary courses, it encourages children to play with patterns in language in order to discover the basic elements of English grammar. "Chit Chat" follows the same syllabus as the popular "Chatterbox" course and is a communicative four-skills course for beginners. Language is presented through the boys and girls of the "Superstars" music band, in humorous but realistic contexts and information about the band and its fans provides a model for children to write and talk about themselves. Zany cartoon bugs help to make this fun. Non-fiction texts and photographs promote cross-cultural awareness, giving "snapshots" of life in English-speaking countries, and a review section after every three units consolidates and recycles the language that has been learnt. A comic-strip story in 12 parts, about the adventures of two friends who try to rescue a cave monster from a circus, encourages reading while the comic-strip format helps them both to follow the story and predict meaning. This activity book for the course offers further practice of structures and writing and is closely integrated with the class book lessons. Diversity is added to the course through classroom plays and a range of shared activities to celebrate Halloween, Christmas and Easter.
Производитель: Oxford University Press. It also includes a picture dictionary at the back.
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