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Самоходная Артиллерийская Установка Sturmgeschutz IV, немецкая

Самоходная Артиллерийская Установка Sturmgeschutz IV, немецкая

566 руб Заказать
The essential alterations were the reinforcement by 30 mm of the front armour (80 mm), a lengthened front section and side skirts for additional flank protection. Масштаб: 1:72 Деталей: 101 Длина: 96 мм Уровень сложности: 3 (из 5) The self-propelled assault gun IV is based on the chassis of the PzKpfw IV medium tank and a modified superstructure of the StuG III assault gun. 1,100 were made. In 1943 and 1944 a total of approx. 92 mm MG 42; engine capacity: 300 hp; speed: 38 km/h. Crew: 4 man; armament: 75 mm gun, a 7. Model-Details: - Detailed road wheels and track rollers - Structural details on surfaces - MG 42 - 75 mm cannon - Separate hatch cover - Side skirts optional - Injection moulded tracks with individual links and segments - Decals for two German versions Colors: 16 67 84 91
Производитель: Revell. This tank destroyer was used in all theatres of war, including for infantry support.
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