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Kaplan GMAT Advanced. Your Only Guide to an 800 Ed.8.. Kaplan

Kaplan GMAT Advanced. Your Only Guide to an 800 Ed.8.. Kaplan

1007 руб Заказать
Students who aspire to get the highest scores can count on Kaplan GMAT Advanced to help them accomplish their goal. Top-tier business schools routinely accept only 20 percent of their applicants. Hundreds of the toughest practice questions, the hardest concepts, and the best strategies are included. Developed for students who want to score in the top 10 percent, Kaplan GMAT Advanced provides the additional preparation needed. A recent Harris Poll found that Kaplan succeeds in getting more people into business school than any other competitive course combined. Tips for test taking, proven strategies for getting a perfect score of 800, and focused guidelines for tackling each question type all combine for the ideal preparation tool for the most ambitious student.
Из серии: Perfect Score Series
2010. Kaplan GMAT Advanced is the first step toward attaining that goal and taking applicants from ordinary to extraordinary.
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