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Vocabulary in use. Intermediate. Stuart Redman

Vocabulary in use. Intermediate. Stuart Redman

1309 руб Заказать
Now with a revised edition for each level, this best-selling series has been fully updated to give students the support they need to master more than 7,000 words and phrases in American English. A three-level vocabulary series for both self-study and classroom use. Suitable for self-study or classroom use, the books are informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure vocabulary taught is useful, up-to-date, and presented in a natural context. Following the popular in Use format, new language is taught in manageable two-page units with presentation of vocabulary on the left-hand page and innovative practice activities on the right. Firmly based on current vocabulary acquisition theory, this series promotes good learning habits and teaches students how to discover rules for using vocabulary correctly. Additional activities for extra vocabulary and listening practice are available on the companion website.
Из серии: Vocabulary in Use
2010. The Intermdiate level teaches approximately 2,500 vocabulary items.
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