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NorthStar Listening and Speaking Advanced (+CD). Sherry Preiss

NorthStar Listening and Speaking Advanced (+CD). Sherry Preiss

859 руб Заказать
What is special about the third edition? *New themes andupdated content and a variety of text genres including literature, lectures and an extensive use of authentic reading and listening sections, challenge students intellectually and prepare them for academic life *Enhanced focus on academic skills such as inferencing, synthesising, note-taking and test-taking and more purposeful integration of critical thinking, help students develop strategies for success in the classroom and on standardised tests *In the Reading and Writing strand, a new fully-integrated writing section leads students step-by-step through a meaningful academic writing assignment *In the Listening and Speaking strand, a structured approach leads students to organise and produce an integrated oral presentation, debate, interview or role play *Full colour pages andgraphic organisers foster student engagement and make the content and activities come alive
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