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Tales of beedle the bard. Джоан Кэтрин Роулинг (Ролинг)

Tales of beedle the bard. Джоан Кэтрин Роулинг (Ролинг)

440 руб Заказать
Additional notes for each story penned by Professor Albus Dumbledore will be enjoyed by Muggles and wizards alike, as the Professor muses on the morals illuminated by the tales, and reveals snippets of information about life at Hogwarts. "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" contains five richly diverse fairy tales, each with its own magical character, that will variously bring delight, laughter and the thrill of mortal peril.
2008. A uniquely magical volume, with illustrations by the author, J.K. Rowling, that will be treasured for years to come.
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