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Laser B1 Workbook with Key (+CD). M. Desypri

Laser B1 Workbook with Key (+CD). M. Desypri

471 руб Заказать
The Laser series has been revised and updated to include PET preparation tasks and changes to the Cambridge ESOL FCE examination. Laser B1 is part of a modern and exciting three-level course designed for young students. KEY FEATURES * Integrates development of key reading, writing, listening and speaking skills * Includes CD-ROM providing motivating reinforcement of the structures and vocabulary * Dictionary corner sections, focusing on topic-based lexis, collocations, word formation and phrasal verbs * Comprehensive practice in PET-and revised FCE-type exam tasks * Revision sections after every two units * 16 Composition Planners, providing detailed and comprehensive guidance * Lists of key collocations and phrasal verbs * Grammar database providing easy-to-use, detailed grammar reference
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