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Science Foundation Work Book B2, C2, P2

Science Foundation Work Book B2, C2, P2

271 руб Заказать
The specifications and resources are the products of close collaboration between the University of York Science Education Group, the Nuffield Curriculum Centre, OCR, and Oxford University Press. Twenty First Century Science BLis a suite of complementary specifications offering flexible and exciting options for science at GCSE BLis unique in having been extensively trialled over three years with more than 6,000 students in each year BLis motivating, stimulating and relevant. Workbooks at each of Foundation and Higher Level which can be used for homework and provide the student with a set of summary notes to help with revision. The GCSE Science course contains nine modules: BLB1 Your and your genes BLB2 Keeping healthy BLB3 Life on Earth BLC1 Air quality BLC2 Material choices BLC3 Food matters BLP1 The Earth in the Universe BLP2 Radiation and life BLP3 Radioactive materials A comprehensive set of trialled resources is available: A Textbook at each of Foundation and Higher Level which use engaging, up-to-date science contexts. iPack CD-ROM which includes the lesson plans in interactive form, along with over 100 video and audio clips, animations, and PowerPoint presentations. A Teacher and Technician Guide with lesson plans covering the whole course, including assessments, homeworks and cover lessons, and activity sheets. For more information, visit: www. Remember the CD-ROMs are eligible for e-learning credits. org. twentyfirstcenturyscience.
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