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The Rough Guide Map Australia

The Rough Guide Map Australia

637 руб Заказать
Printed on waterproof, rip-proof paper, this fully updated map pin-points the best this sunburnt country has to offer, from the lone road across the Nullabor Plane, to the beach-side promenades of Bondi Beach, the crocodile infested water-ways of Kakadu National Park, the most scenic drives along the Queensland coast, and everything in between. Navigate your way through the harsh and endless landscape of Australia with The Rough Guide Map . There are latitude and longitude grids and road distances for easy trip planning. Reliable and user-friendly, the Rough Guide Map to Australia boasts innovative, legible colouring for relief features and detailed travel information researched on the ground. The fascinating corners of this massive country are often only accessible down dirt roads where no public bus will venture - make the most of your time with the Rough Guide Map to Australia !
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