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Intercultural Language Activities with CD-ROM. John Corbett

Intercultural Language Activities with CD-ROM. John Corbett

1568 руб Заказать
Topics covered in the fourteen chapters include childhood, food, sport, icons, politics and body language. Intercultural Language Activities offers practical teaching ideas which encourage learners to reflect on their own language and culture, as well as that of others. It examines interview techniques, how people present themselves, and ways to interpret cultural symbols and characteristics, such as those found in postcards, advertisements and online newspapers. The book also helps learners mediate in situations of cultural misunderstanding and start web-based intercultural exchanges. This is an invaluable resource for any teacher who wishes to combine language learning with cultural exploration. In engaging with these topics, learners become intercultural explorers and raise their level of communicative competence.
Из серии: Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers
2010. In addition, the accompanying CD-ROM provides print-friendly photocopiable worksheets and reading texts which can be put to immediate use.
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